Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a therapist or mental health provider?

No. My focus is upon your spiritual, emotional, and social well-being, and my approach is through spiritually informed practices and insights. So the focus of our work will be: spirituality; relationships; self-understanding; healing, and change.

However, I have extensive experience with all manner of mental health conditions and neurodivergences, including: ADHD; autism; depression; Complex Trauma; dissociative identity disorder; bipolar disorder, and many more.

Your mental health matters to me, and you are free and safe to discuss it with me. I will support and respect you, and give you guidance when I can. But mental health and psychiatric care are separate from the work I do.

I strongly believe in the widest networks of care possible, so I am also happy to help you find respectful, affirming mental health care if I can.

What do you charge for services?

We can discuss this privately if you choose to pursue care with me. Initial introductory session is free, and usually shorter. After that, my rate is per hourlong session, payable by online platforms.

I intend to make my services as financially feasible as possible—including for people with limited means—while respecting my own time, experience, and education.

As I am a spiritual care provider, I do not accept insurance.

How do you meet with clients?

I meet with clients by phone, video (FaceTime, Messenger, Zoom, other), or in person. We will work together to find the best format! Our first session will often be by phone, as that is more comfortable for most folks.

How often do you meet with clients?

I meet with clients based on need. I provide weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and as-needed options for appointments. Spiritual direction is usually a monthly meeting; oracle readings are at your discretion. I am available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm PST.

Often, folks shift the frequency of their appointments based on progress, and I’m always happy to shift the frequency to provide you with the best support.

Emergency appointments can be discussed in private in our initial meeting.

What is the process for becoming a client?

  • we will set up an initial phone or video call to discuss the concerns you’re facing, and you can ask any questions you have.

  • after that meeting, you can take some time, as will I, to see if we are a good fit to work together.

  • if we are a good fit, we will set up a schedule for appointments, and I’ll provide you with links to my payment platforms.

  • from that point, we will move forward and make changes based on your needs and schedule, as well as mine.

Do you accept pro bono clients?

I do! However, I currently have a full roster of pro bono clients, so I am not accepting more at this time.

What region do you serve?

I am based in California, but work with a variety of folks across the world. As long as we can make time differences work, I am happy to meet with you regardless of your location. (But my only language fluency is English.)

Do you work with children and youth?

My services are only available to adults (18 years of age and older).

Do you provide couples counseling?

Yes. I am happy to work with couples or polycules, but the rate is higher, based on number of persons.

What are your protocols for behavior?

I believe people deserve respect and support. I endeavor to be open, courteous, and respectful always. I expect the same of the folks with whom I work.

I am happy to educate and help clients think better of themselves and others. That said, I have a zero-tolerance policy for abusive language, discrimination, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism, or threats of violence. Such behavior will result in termination of care.